Sunburst (Starbright 2)

Sunburst (Starbright 2)
Latest: Page 49

Sunburst (Starbright 2) Stella Day will one day be the Protector of Earth, but right now she’s focused on other things Surviving high school, having a winning soccer season and balancing the two guys in her life all vie for her attention She isn’t ready for her future or thefor her Unfortunately for Stella, destiny isn’t patient Stella’s life becomes coued by Shadows at practice and in school Seven, Seth’s deranged sister, is stalking her And Aliah has hteen and comes into the fullness of her powers In a risky effort to save her life, SethSuddenly, it’s no longer her own life that Stella is desperate to save She must find a way to protect her Counterpart before he becorapples with the intensity of her feelings for both Tristan and Seth, her choice ht just be made for her While the Darkness deh school life she loves will fade into the background as she eiven and the most complicated battle yet This time it’s not just her life on the line, but her heart as well Choosing which boy to lovebetween Seth and Tristan ined