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Chapter One

Divorce cake was socake, and when that cake was served to a roole, incredibly wealthy thirty-year-old, it tasted even better

Lori lifted her tuaze of Samantha Harrison from across the room

Another successful Alliance contract executed

Another payday for the both of them

Avery Grant, the divorcée of the hour, laughed over the voluh the expansive speaker systeh-rise condominium The unit sat several floors above Lori’s in the saeles complex

The lofty space had been stripped of most of its walls before Avery moved in She wanted it open, withbelow after sunset Her husband of sixteenspace to resemble a Civil War–era colonial home, complete with cubicle-style roo to see Avery make a completely opposite choice for her home

“You’re Avery’s attorney, aren’t you?”

The voice on Lori’s right belonged to Avery’s mom, Adeline

Lori extended her hand “I aht?”

“Did Avery speak of me?”

No, but Lori had sat on the sidelines of Avery and Bernie’s wedding nearly a year and a half before She hadn’t stayed for the reception A divorce attorney at a wedding so Lori and Sam’s team avoided like socks on newly polished toes

“Avery showed ,” Lori lied

Mrs Grant lifted her nose a little higher “Disgraceful Who shows a divorce lawyer pictures of what failed?”

They both glanced at Avery, orking her way into a wicked hangover

“Their split was amicable” A direct quote from the tabloid that blasted the finality of the divorce earlier that week

“Amicable or not, it shouldn’t have happened Avery alas i choices Bernie was perfect for her, grounded, good family”


“He was a bit older than your daughter” Eighteen years, to be exact Not to ht When Avery appeared at his side in anything but flats, she towered over him Not that Bernie had otten what he ordered

Laughter caught their attention again

“This is disgraceful Who has a divorce party?”

In Lori’s line of work, lots of women

“If you’ll excuse me, Mrs Grant, I see someone I need to speak with”

The older wohter and pivoted toward the kitchen

Lori worked her way to Sam’s side and lifted her cocktail “Cheers”

“Looked like Mom wasn’t happy”

“Not at all” Lori lowered her voice “If I re her to settle down” Her brief iven her that

“I wonder how long Moain?”

“Anyone’s guess”

“Well” Salass on a nearby table “At least Avery has the financial freedo parents”

“I’ve never seen dorip on their children”

“Perhaps Avery will pry their fingers off”

A fast-paced song had the wo to the beat “She is certainly breaking loose tonight”

“What is she drinking?”

“It’s called a ball and chain, otherwise known as Fireball and tequila shots”

“That’s gonna hurt in the ”

A chattering of woht both their attention to the front door A tall,the fakest cop’s uniform Lori had ever seen

Sam shook her head “When the stripper arrives, that’s my cue to leave”

Lori waved her off “Go home to your hot man I’ll stick around andtabloid perfect”

Sa around the crowd

So smothered cake

Strippers and sugar

It could be worse

The sound of glass crashing to the floor brought Lori’s eyes wide open

In front of her, the world shimmered into focus

Bright light glared

Avery’s condocommando stripperit all came back in a breath

Fuzzy pain sat in the back of her neck and threatened serious pain if she didn’t change position

She shifted and closed her eyes

The guttural sound of so to empty their stomach shot her into action