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Chapter One


“Tell me that my brother is not Ethan’s father,” I hiss My heart pounds in my chest while the tears strea at who are supposed to be ht I have the white paper clenched inSavannah stands there looking more beautiful than she has ever looked in her whole life, and trusther for what feels like my whole life

“Tell me!” I shout, and the tears flon her face

“Ethan is mine,” says Jacob, ht years ago when Savannah found out she was pregnant and said it was Jacob’s, stands beside him When I learned the news, I was cut off at the knees I was gutted and hollow, thinking that my best friend had slept with the only woman I have ever loved I pretended to be supportive of theone forever

“Really,” I say Shaking ed to my father for the past twenty-five years And before that, it was ot, and after this, it will be Jacob and I would always sneak into this office and take a couple of swigs of the top-of-the-line whiskey ht, but my father would just smile and walk back out of the room

“Beau” Casey says my name, and my eyes fly to his Casey is Kallie’s brother and another one of my best friends I look at everyone in the room and wonder if they all lied toa lie? “Sit down”

I shake ine my surprise …” I start, my voice low so Savannah can hearme, her face wet from tears “When I walked in here to take a drink with my best friends” I s “To take one shot of whiskey Thenon the desk, and the sound it made caused me to stop But it would sound weird since the desk was one hundred years old But when I bent down, this little box was under there And if you look closely, you can see it is a hidden compartment”

“Beau” Savannah whispers my name, and my heart shatters in my chest

“I had no idea what could be that confidential that he would have to lock it up this tight” I laugh bitterly, looking down at the paper “I flipped over a couple of things and then found this” I hold up the paper being cruht fist “My brother is Ethan’s father”

“No,” Jacob states loudly “He’s my son”

“Is he?” I ask, wondering how he could stand there after all he’s been through He’s tolerated the judght years He heard all the whispers fro Kallie, and he still takes Savannah’s side

“I, Savannah Harrison, relinquish Liaton from all parental duties”

“I can explain,” she finally says Sobbing, she puts her hand in front of her o, I would have been the first one rushing to her side to hold her inBut now I look at her, and I can’t give her anything

“Explain this to s, and it startles her The music froether to honor eneration to fill the shoes of n this paper?”

Jacob steps forward to stand in front of me “You need to calm down and let her explain,” he tellsforward to er radiates from me now, and I brush away my tears

“You lied toin his face “Everything was a fucking lie” My normal cal hot, I throw off , I shakejoke this was”

“You need to stop talking right now” Jacob has tears in his eyes, his chest rising and falling the whole time “Seriously, you need to just stop”

“Stop,” I growl “After everything” My hand grips the white paper even harder inthere beside you all this time Supportive, stupid Beau”