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A Vow Of Hate Lylah James 15040K 2023-08-29



My father always told me that life is about choices; soret But we’re human after all, born to ood and evil – a perfect yin and yang

What he forgot to tell me was that… some choices would haunt me forever

A choice I made…

A moment of impulsiveness

A destiny I couldn’t rewrite

After all, we can’t stop tiht?

And all it took was a second

I killed her that night

My sister


My story was tainted fro, tainted by her blood And her death was a sin fordays I wasn’t evil, but I was the villain anyway

I pulled the black veil back over my face

This is my atonement



The ugliness of life is that sometimes we can’t undo what has been done It doesn’tthe outcoe the past – can’t fix the future

“It is what it is,” ht

The night I woke up fros, three fractured ribs, a messed-up spine and a fractured skull… and more scars than I could bear

One night, four o, I made a mistake that ruined more than one life

Since then, I have learned that grief is just a stage of co to terms with the situation

Just like denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance Except, I was still on the fourth stage Depression, h

Misery still chokedas I sed down my breakfast and every uilt, the irief still festered pus like an untreated wound

But it was the guilt…

Guilt hat killed me everyday

Pain becauilt turned out to be my soulmate

“Julianna, you haven’t had your breakfast yet”

I could feel her presence behind ry”