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Moon Island JR Rain 12030K 2023-08-31

The drive through Seattle was far too quick

Admittedly, I wanted to stay and explore The Space Needle, to Allison’s dise- topped, UFO-shaped disc that looked less like a needle and iant alien probe

Still, the city was brilliantly lit, packed with nice cars, and restaurants seely everywhere I could see why Frasier would want to live here A light rain was falling, which, from what I understood, was as common as sunshine in southern California

Va up the miles north of Seattle, while Tara and I continued to hash out our fake history together We created parties we never went to, the naether A fake history An iron-clad history Allison quizzed us as we drove through a city called Mukilteo - a name I never did seem to pronounce correctly - and drove onto a ferry with service to an island called Whidbey

"We’re in the car," said Allison, sticking her head out the , "but we’re on a boat, too" She sounded perplexed

"Yes," said Tara, looking atme a half smile "A ferry, actually"

"A car on a boat," Allison said again, shaking her head "What will they think of next?"

"You’ve never been on a ferry before?" asked Tara

"I’ve never been on a boat before,"

said Allison "Do these ferries ever sink?"

"Often," said Tara

Allison pulled her head out of theHer reddish cheeks had quickly drained to white "How often do they - wait, you’rea little from behind the wheel She winked at me

"I couldn’t resist My bad"