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Moon Island JR Rain 7190K 2023-08-31

It was Edwin, of course

"Good evening, Samantha," he said

He came closer and I saw that his hands were covered in dirt Dirt was also under his fingernails And it wasn’t just dirt, but so else Clay?

"Pardon ing what?" I asked, and was all too aware thateven louder

He ca macabrely

He looked, quite frankly, insane "Tell you what, Samantha I will show you someday

How does that sound?"

"Weird as hell," I said

He laughed "Yes, I suppose it does sound sort of odd"

His aura, like that of Tara and old Cal, rippled with a dark thread-like energy

Except in Edwin, the darkness was riefnoasn’t sure what to think

"Why do you keep s like that?" I asked

"Oh, I’uy Made even happier now that you’re here"