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Billingsgate Docks, London, September 1715

Captain Roderick Cameron had just been forced to abandon his plan to procure a woht, when one thrust herself upon him

“Pardon , the woantry under which she sheltered

As much as he wanted some female company, Roderick Cameron pressed on He couldn’t afford to dally His intention had been to oversee delivery of the bespoke goods they carried, iht The delivery was done, but fro back to his ship with an excise er to be waylaid He’d already sent his crew back to ready the Libertas for departure on the turn of the tide

“Are you Captain Cameron of the ship known as the Libertas?”

Roderick frowned So his name aloud halted him in his tracks, despite the threat of imminent arrest that loomed at his back It was as if she had touched him to the quick Bemused, he peered into the shadows “What do you ith Captain Cameron?”

The woht “I’ve been told that his ship sets sail for Dundee this evening”

Heavily cloaked as she was, and with her hood dra, it was iuish the woman’s features Was she a penny whore with a pretty voice who had agreed to waylay him and call him out? Excise officers were in pursuit because of a prior dispute about the goods the Libertas carried Roderick grimaced The navy had a network of inforate docks, where so many ships came and went

If it were a trap he would have been jumped by now Nevertheless, he sensed trouble and quickly pressed on, striding toward the docks He had no intention of confir his identity His vessel still concealed French wine that was destined for the lairds in the Scottish Lowlands It was cleverly hidden between two false walls behind his private quarters If the navy found out what he was carrying and where he was headed, his troubles would be doubled Nevertheless, the woht his attention, and now it seemed as if she intended to pursue him

“I need to speak with the captainat his side “I need to know if he truly is bound for Scotland”

“What is it to you where any ship docked here is bound?” He shot the question back over his shoulder

“Please, sire, I seek passage to Dundee”

It was uncanny Her voice beckoned to hi into him far deeper than words alone ever would Roderick turned back and peered down at her From what little he could see of the woht expect to find here on the dockside, where only drunks and whores and lust-fueled sea Her face was still hidden by her hood, but upon closer inspection he could see by the quality of her clothing that she was no dockside whore Her dark blue velvet cloak and the gown beneath it looked costly, with a jeweled bodice and sumptuous fabric In one hand she clasped a small bundle, partially hidden beneath her cloak

It felt like a trap, but Roderick found he had to know and understand it before he sidestepped it “The Libertas does not take passengers Besides, ould a fine English lady such as yourself want to travel to Dundeealone?”

She lowered the hood of her cloak, finally revealing her face

Roderick stared at her Her appearance defied him to do otherwise She was a beauty, with silken black hair that cascaded over her shoulders Delicately defined eyebrows arched over eyes that glinted brightly in the ly kissable

She gave a quick and rather forced smile “I am as Scottish as you are, Captain Cameron”

Roderick lifted his brows in surprise She’d not only decided that he was indeed the captain, she also claimed to be a Scot His curiosity flared, as did his wariness “If it’s true, we’re both far from home But I hear little trace of Scotland in your voice”

Her hands twisted together over her bundle “I have lived in London since I was a bairn I arooman now and I wish to return to my kin”

The woe request compelled him to listen Her body, so feerous A woman who held sith ahis bond with it He’d seen that happen often enough, but it was not for hiued by her because his earlier plan to seek a whore’s coht had been thwarted It had to be the reason why she made him pause on the journey back to his ship, a journey that should have been stealthy and fast

Glancing back over his shoulder, he saw figuresin the distance Seamen on their way to the port, but it kept his senses keen nonetheless “I’m afraid you must seek assistance elsewhere”

When he aze Roderick found that the oddly soleain

“Please, Captain” Reaching out with her free hand, she clutched at his coat sleeve “You would do“I ht”

Roderick indulged hi her co her there His desire to assist her increased, as did a ht, and a tryst with this strange beauty would be quite soe