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Worth It Linda Kage 13740K 2023-08-31

He took a sudden interest in his feet andthat sounded a lot like, "No"

My jaw dropped "Excuse ed "I just don’t see the point"

I shook my head, my mind utterly blown

"The point in what? In talking? Butwhat?" Was he insane? "It’s been six years There’s like a s to catch up on We need to talk"

A otten so far that this encounter ht in any way be difficult for hi to say"

"How could you notbut what aboutoh my God! Of course we have shit to say We never even officially broke up"

"We’re broken up," he told his feet

I almost clutched , I shook my head "Can you look me in the eye when you tell me that?"

He lifted his tortured brown eyes "I don’t want to talk," he said softly

I wanted to pull my hair and scream I wanted to hit him in the chest with both of rab hi him, force him to admit he missed me just as hard as I’d missed him and that he was happy to see me

But he only looked away

The bastard couldn’t even watch as he broke e "Well, I do! Youto say, but I have plenty The last time I saw you, you swore you didn’t blame me for what happened"

He still refused to look at me, but his dark eyebrows furrowed in confusion "I don’t"

"Then why are you treating me like this?"

He squeezed his eyes closed and bowed his head as regret passed over his features It was the most emotion he’d shown me in six years