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He&039;d never been attracted to se to bed one, he&039;d dread hurting her Yet with this one, the ile fe what it would be like to carry her to his bed and gently undress her Hisand stroking her slight body

His eyes dropped to her slender neck, and then to her high, full breasts pressing against her dark blouse Now, this part of her was far froainst the ata step back

"Can I not adly, he took a step forward Where was this co from? He&039;d always been aard and unsure around wo like this, he&039;d have turned his face away, ies as he left the room Perhaps he&039;d at last found freedoain, he&039;d never stared, never hungered, as he did now for this slip of a wo man&039;s last wish?"

"I know the ways a man looks at a woman" Her voice was sensual, a voice from dreams It seemed to rub hiat that moment that he wanted to rip open her shirt, pin her shoulders to the ground, and suck on her stiffened nipples till she came Pin her shoulders hard and lick her -

"How dare you play with aze Her eyes flicked over his face as though she were atteuess the battle inside hientle was replaced with the iround?

What is happening to me?

"I know you can&039;t feel this this " - she made a small sound of frustration - "you can&039;t feel what you are appearing to It&039;s iasped "Your eyes they&039;re turning black"

Black? His brothers&039; eyes had turned black with sharp emotion He hadn&039;t known his did as well Was it because he&039;d never felt anything so sharply as his desire for this mysterious female?

He felt like he&039;d die if he didn&039;t act on that desire -

A sudden explosion of sound"What was that?"

She took a quick glance around her, eyes alert "What are you talking about?" she de like that, and the castle would collapse He had to get her away, even into the ht outside The need to protect her had suddenly become critical, undeniable

"No!" Her eyes ide, her expression aghast "It can&039;t be!" She backed away froerly, as if he were a snake about to strike

Another explosion He traced to just in front of her, and her sword shot up in a blur He snatched her wrist, but she struggled Christ, she was strong, but he seeer than usual hiined "I don&039;t want to hurt you" He pried the weapon froht me The roof is about to fall - "

"No no!" She stared at his chest - at his heart - in horror "I am not a Bride"

Bride? His jaw slackened He re that when he found his Bride, his eternal wife, she would blood hi, his body would come back to life He&039;d always believed they&039;d lied to dull the bitter sting of what they&039;d made him

Yet it was true The sound he&039;d heard was the rush of his own heart beating for the first time since he&039;d been turned into a va at last after three hundred years

His heartbeat grew stronger, faster, and his sudden erection was tight and throbbing, pulsing with each beat of his heart Pleasure seeh his veins He&039;d found his Bride - the one woly fine creature

And his body had awakened for her

"You knohat is happening toaway farther "You&039;re changing" Her blond brows drew together, and in a barely audible whisper, she added, "For for me"

"Yes For you" He crossed to her until she stared up at hiive me If I had known this was true, I would have searched for you I would have found you somehow - "

"No " She swayed on her feet, and he laid one palm on her slim shoulder to steady her She flinched but allowed the touch

He realized then that, just as he was changing, so was she He thought he saw silver flash in her glinting eyes A swift tear dropped down her cheek

"Why do you cry?" Women&039;s tears had alrecked him as a mortal, but hers made him feel as if a thousand knives twisted inside hied, unpracticed breath Her ear was sharply pointed Up closer, he could see the ss

Sebastian didn&039;t knohat she was, and he didn&039;t care "Please do not cry"

"I never cry," she whispered Frowning in confusion, she patted the back of her hand against her cheek and drew it down to see that it et frole tear Her lips parted, and she stared, first at the tear, and then at her sharply curling fingernails, which were aze darted back to him, and she sed as if with fear

"Tell me what troubles you" He had a purpose now: to protect her, to care for her, to destroy whatever threatened her "Bid me to help you, Bride"

"Not a Bride to one of your kind Never - "

"But you&039;ve made my heart beat"

She hissed back, "You&039;veof her words or her reactions during the next severalher features - the sweep of her thick lashes when she glanced down, the full red pout of her lips Waves of emotion shimmered in her eyes and seemed to pain her Her body shook As abruptly as they&039;d started, her tears dried

Then she s of her lips Her eyes werehad ever aroused him so much as that look, and he wondered how much more he could take But her s her forehead to his chest

Just as his aching erection was beco impossible to deny, she lifted her face, and her expression had changed once h cheekbones, and her lips subtly parted Her fingers clutched at his shoulders As she gazed at his ue dabbed at her botto of doing

She was aroused For hi to her - or to himself

His eyes widened, then narrohen she placed her delicate arms around his neck I could touch her She would accept my touch His shaft had never been this hard He wanted to bury it inside her so badly he&039;d give anything

She tilted her head, still staring at his mouth "I miss this ," she murmured in a whiskey voice He didn&039;t have tiing their bodies together He groaned to feel her breasts pressing against him They were so full and plump - he knew they would fill his palms perfectly

Christ, he&039;d suffered centuries without contact with others,his Bride, soft and pliant in his ar Before he lost his nerve, his hands dropped to her waist, dragging her ainst him "Tell me your name"

"My name ?" she murmured absently "My name is Kaderin"

"Kaderin," he repeated, but it didn&039;t fit her As he stared down into her shiht the name was too cold, too formal, for the creature in his arms "Katja," he rasped, surprised to find that his thue to kiss her was overwhel voice, and had to s to continue - "must I must kiss you"

At his words, the dark hazel of her eyes turned coo into a trance He was not so far gone as not to notice this stunned reaction, but her full red lips were glistening, beckoning hi kissed," she whispered in a dazed tone, her breaths growing hectic

Could he possibly stop with only that? With an unsteady hand, he cupped the back of her head, about to draw her to hih to take him - she was some sort of warrior and would likely be quick to check him if he hurt her

For soive him that teary, betrayed look women had cast him in the past if he&039;d accidentally stepped on their toes or collided with theht him so low

"Vampire, please," she murmured, "roaned; electricity seemed to prick at his skin He pulled back froht, as this kiss Her hungry expression deepened

If it took beco a vampire to have just this one perfect ain, lightly at first, she htly in his arms, then somehow remembered himself No, fool He eased his hold

At once, her claws bit into the backs of his ar him shudder "Don&039;t hold back I need ive it to her Because she was his When this finally sank in, his shyness burned away In the course of a heartbeat, he now had a woman of his own He wanted to roar with triu into hiet away - was ecstasy She needs me

"Kiss me more, vampire If you stop, I&039;ll kill you"

He couldn&039;t help but grin against her lips A fe her?

So he did, tasting her tongue, teasing it, then clai her mouth hotly, wetly He savored the slow undulation of her hips against hiue