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Chapter 555 Battle of Two Titans

Greeh his mind for mentions of this name as he sat doith the unfamiliar adept

Almost all adepts possessed eidetic memory with their powerful Spirits In particular, it wasn't easy to forget unique individuals like Greem, especially if they have already met once before

However, despite all of his efforts, Leicester could not recall anything about his uninvited guest

Which meant this should be the first time they have met each other!

The sht instant before returning to nors you so suddenly to our faant Leicester didn't dare be disrespectful in front of an adept of the sarade as himself

A Second Grade adept was an iardless of where they went Even the Vik Faravate a Second Grade adept, despite all the resources and power they held!

"I's o of Rose's waist, "Haven't you been waiting for y restrictions in Rose's body vanished once Gree freed, Rose didn't dare to make any moves She was utterly intimidated by this adept

She could sense that this uest He seemed to have some particular conflict with Leicester If she was foolish enough to ht between the two Second Grade adepts

Rose o unhar Second Grade adepts

Leicester's face froze The oed to the surface all at once

"You mean to say… that female vampire?"

Leicester's eyes couldn't help but sharpen but when he saw Greeins of the female vampire were a co captured She wouldn't even divulge her nah the ined was theup before he had s to discuss with this Adept Greem Leave this room for the moment!" Leicester narrowed his eyes as he instructed her

The female vaaze toward Greeht! We do have sos we need to discuss Sweetheart, you had best leave the room!" Greem suddenly broke into a smile and patted the feh of relief She then rolled her eyes seductively at Greeuest hall

Leicester's pointed gaze finally loosened once Rose had left

At least the opponent wouldn't stoop as low as to take Rose hostage That won a bit of Leicester's goodwill Though Greehtest, even if he had taken Rose hostage, the willing surrender of this advantage still eased the tense at into soreat taboo!" Though his face was not as tense now, Leicester's tone was still as firm as before, "I don't care what methods you used to steal my bloodline, I must take it all back now!"

That female vampire actually possessed his bloodline If she were allowed to grow freely, a bloodline backlash would be so that was bound to happen That hy Leicester suppressed his bubbling anger and coldly rejected Greeet what you yourself did at the Sarubo Clan ninety years ago!" Greeo? Sarubo Clan?

Leicester eyes shone when he obtained this information He promptly understood the cause and effect of the whole incident

Ninety years ago, Leicester was only a First Grade va He had no choice but to choose a secretive location outside of the family to research his va it

He had hidden his identity and ht an ancient castle and secretly conducted research that he did not wish his faht by the Sarubo for abducting apprentices as experiet results from his research Leicester successfully escaped after a bloody battle, but the lab he left beneath the castle was also destroyed in the fight

He had initially thought that all the blood samples he had left there were destroyed Now, it seemed that they had clearly fallen into the hands of the Sarubo Clan Given that case, it was apparent where the female vaenious as well To have successfully created a fe a portion of his origin blood, marveled and shocked Leicester!

However, the revelation of the situation made it aard for both parties

Leicester had set up a laboratory in another clan's territory and abducted the apprentice adepts of said clan News of this would bring him trouble if heard by the Zhentarim Association However, with his current status as a Second Grade vaeezers of Zhentarim would probably only have him pay compensation, even if they were to intervene

He could still bear the burden of such a 'wrongdoing'