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Hollow City Ransos 18950K 2023-09-01

"How are we ever going to search this whole place?" I wondered aloud

"One rooe noise stopped us at the door It sounded like a faraway car alar, slow arcs But there were no car alarms in 1940, of course It was an air-raid siren

Horace cringed "The Ger!" he cried "Death from the skies!"

"We don’t knohat it means," Emma said "Could be a false alar fast; the oldtheir benches

"They don’t seem to think it’s a test," Horace said

"Since when are we afraid of a few bo like a Nancy Normal!"

"Need I remind you," said Millard, "these are not the sort of bombs we’re accustomed to Unlike the ones that fall on Cairnhol to land!"

"All the et e came for, and quickly!" Emma said, and she led us inside

The cathedral’s interior was er than the outside--and though daed, a few hardy believers knelt here and there in silent prayer The altar was buried under a ht fell down in broad bea at the sky through the broken ceiling

We wandered, necks craned, bits of concrete and broken tile crunching beneath our feet

"I don’t see anything," Horace co places here for ten thousand pigeons!"

"Don’t look," Hugh said "Listen"

We stopped, straining to hear the telltale coo of pigeons But there was only the ceaseless whine of air-raid sirens, and below that a series of dull cracks like rolling thunder I told myself to stay calm, but

"We need to go," I said, panic choking me "There has to be a shelter nearby Somewhere safe we can hide"

"But we’re so close!" said Bronwyn "We can’t quit now!"

There was another crack, closer this tiet nervous, too

"Maybe Jacob’s right," said Horace "Let’s find soh We can search more when it’s over"

"Nowhere is truly safe," said Enoch "Those bombs can penetrate even a deep shelter"