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She stared at the phone laying next to the sink, a sense of dread settling into the pit of her stoone thirty-fivefro had gone terribly wrong?

Then realizing she was standing there staring while the phone continued to ring, she lunged for it, not even checking to see who the inco

"Hellosince I last heard your voice I’ve missed it"

Eliza felt the blood drain rapidly from her face and she felt blindly for one of the barstools behind her, sinking down before her knees buckled and gave out

"Tho was very, very wrong Dane had called Wade because they’d tagged Tho surrounded and were only waiting for Wade’s arrival before they went in to take Thomas out

If all of that was so, then how on earth was he on the phone with her and how had he gotten her nu her fro If Wade hadn’t yet arrived or if they simply hadn’t swarmed in and apprehended Tho, distracted, so it would make Wade’s and Dane’s jobs that much easier

"I was very disappointed that you didn’t stay to see me after the press conference ended," Tho his voice

"They hateher voice so she soundedlike a highly trained security specialist who kicked people’s asses for a living Trying to sound embarrassed and even sad, she said, "I had to leave while they were absorbed in your wonderful speech It was risky for o They’ve made no secret of their hatred and disdain for me since I returned But I had to see you, Thomas I had to be there to see you when you were released I wanted to reassure myself that you ell"

"I’ve already chosen my next victi the weather and co her response

She went coainst the wall of her chest She gripped the phone so tightly that her fingertips were as bloodless as her face

"She’s here with me now," he continued in a cheerful voice "You can save her, you know"
