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Caged Lorelei James 11330K 2023-09-01

"What did you say?"

"No, thanks I didn’t need him or hiselse in hts Telling him that their father shouldn’t have to pay forever for theirkilled me to watch every bit of happiness drain froyiti"

"Is that when you fought Ronin?"

"He told you that, huh?"

Molly round and unsanctioned fight"

"I’d started doing both and participated in enough ahter After I returned to Texas, I reached second-degree black belt level and becayimen"

"So Ronin snapped you up for Black Arts?"

Deacon turned toward her He touched her sweet face before he tucked an escaped tendril behind her ear "More or less I agreed to Ronin’s six-month trial period, and I’ve been there ever since"

Then Molly wrapped herself around him

He closed his eyes He wanted this--a life with her-- me Not just what happened when you were fifteen, but all the choices you made in the aftermath"

"Hoeup his throat when Molly didn’t immediately answer

Then she chased all those shadows and fears away by si her hands on his chest, over his heart "We pro and small" She offered him a watery smile "I know you claim you don’t like to talk about shit"


Her eyes narrowed