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Caged Lorelei James 11070K 2023-09-01

"I’ll let theins said

As soon as he was cleared, he ju for Molly

The crazy-assed woe "Hey You won"

Deacon grinned and kissed her through the netting "Yep"


"I have ait’ll take Will you wait for me?"

"Like you have to ask"

His eyes narrowed "Wait with the Black Arts crew I don’t want you by yourself"

"Would it be better if I waited for you at the after-party?"

"Babe We’re not goin’ to the after-party" He kissed her again "We’re having a private party for two" Maddox shouted at hio"

• • •

DEACON showed up for the ear, except he’d slipped on a Black Arts hoodie

Three guys in suits sat across fro proht was bullshit and you know it" Deacon let his gaze move between the men "Is that the kind of talent Smackdown has on its roster? Needhauys now So which washed-up fighter are you gonna putwith next?"

"Washed-up?" Lars Turkin, the Ser, repeated

"Yeah Look, I’ve been waiting a long tianization"