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Chapter One

My step-dad, Peter, is the best lectful h an incredibly aard adolescence, tolerated , obsessed crush well before even I understood nored all my clumsy attempts to tease him I have no idea how he did it How he does it

Between taking care ofelse, I just cannot wrap h hours in the day for it all But, he does And he seems happier since my mom booked it across the country and we’re alone now, just the three of us – daddy, baby and Liz

For his latest act of heroise I started late, and then had the baby so I took a semester off that stretched to a year Both he andup, and so that’s the path I wanted to take as well, but I just didn’t have time for the four year terror of medical school, followed by a nomadic series of residencies and all that, so he told ram It was a perfect fit, or seemed like it anyway

My first day back started early, and I was pretty nervous He ithcould scare me I knew he’d protect me, just like always

He is my daddy and my lover; my daddy, my hero

The night before school started, I was a nervous wreck There was no real reason fordown, but that rarely stopped me Little Davis was already happily in his crib and asleep, and daddy and I atching some prime-time drama that just did not hold my attention at all

Peter did his best to try and keep ht I had the kind of anxiety even a foot e won’t cure As I lay there on the soft leather couch, feet up onwonderfully into hts

Naughty thoughts

Knowingto co ever relaxed s, stretch out my pussy and slaasm so powerful I felt like I was in an earthquake

Nothing ever came close

Just as I started to stroke the arch of my foot around my Peter’s lap in search of a hard-on to play with, he yawned, stretched and stood up “Want irl,” he said as he twisted his back a couple tiain “This show is terrible”

I giggled a little at hoe sees, usually at the same times Then I realized how nice a bath sounded The water, maybe some bubbles, and those little water jets