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Blind Love WilkieCollins 9070K 2023-09-01


Soon after sunrise, on a cloudy er disturbed the repose of Dennis Howmore, at his place of

residence in the pleasant Irish town of Ardoon

Well acquainted apparently with the way upstairs, the e through it: "The "

The person sending this peree was Sir Giles Mountjoy of

Ardoon, knight and banker The person receiving the e was Sir

Giles's head clerk As a matter of course, Dennis Howmore dressed

himself at full speed, and hastened to his employer's private house on

the outskirts of the town

He found Sir Giles in an irritable and anxious state of ht-cap was crureat a hurry to remember the clai"

"Dennis, I have got so for you to do It must be kept a secret,

and it allows of no delay"

"Is it anything connected with business, sir?"

The banker lost his temper "How can you be such an infernal fool as to

suppose that anything connected with business could happen at this ti? Do you know the first milestone on the road to Garvan?"

"Yes, sir"

"Very well Go to the et there Look at the back of the stone If you discover an

Object which appears to have been left in that situation on the ground,

bring it to et that thefor you"