Page 122 (1/2)

Blind Love WilkieCollins 9000K 2023-09-01

Lord Harry wrote with scrupulous politeness of expression He regretted

that circu on Mr Mountjoy,

before he left England After the conversation that had taken place at

Mr Vimpany's house, he felt it his duty to inform Mr Mountjoy that he

had insured his life--and, he would add, for a sum of money amply, and

more than amply, sufficient to provide for his wife in the event of her

surviving hiards, and would write

immediately to her old and valued friend In the meantime, he would

conclude by repeating the expression of his sense of obligation to Mr


Hugh looked back at the first page of the letter, in search of the

writer's address It was simply, "Paris" The intention to prevent any

further correspondence, or any personal communication, could hardly

have been more plainly implied In another h heard froretfully of the sudden departure fro A slip of the tongue, on

Lord Harry's part, in the course of conversation, had led her to fear

that he was still in danger from political conspirators holy persuaded him to