Page 125 (1/2)

Blind Love WilkieCollins 11640K 2023-09-01

"There is no doubt of it, Mrs Vimpany--if people are sincere Beware

of the sinners who talk of sudden conversion and perfect happiness May

I ask how you began your new life?"

"I began unhappily, Mr Mountjoy--I joined a nursing Sisterhood Before

long, a dispute broke out a them Think of wo about churches and church

services--priest's vestments and attitudes, and candles and incense! I

left them, and went to a hospital, and found the doctors better

Christians than the Sisters I a about my own poor self

(as you will soon see) without a reason My experience in the hospital

led to other things I nursed a lady through a tedious illness, and was

trusted to take her to soht of staying for a few days in Paris--it was an

opportunity of seeing how the nurses did their work in the French

hospitals And, oh, it was far ain"

"By accident?" Hugh asked

"I as as

the crowds of

people on the Boulevards, who sit taking their coffee in view of the

other crowds, passing along the street I went by, without noticing

the me back I have been

with them every day, at her invitation, from that time to this; and I

have seen their life"

She stopped, noticing that Hugh grew restless "I am in doubt," she

said, "whether you wish to hear more of their life in Paris"

Mountjoy at once controlled himself

"Go on," he said quietly