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Blind Love WilkieCollins 9700K 2023-09-01

"Upon my word!" cried one of the Directors, "this is a o on"

"We began very well We buried our man under the name of Lord Harry

Norland, as I have said The difficulty then arose as to the

presentation of the claim It was most desirable that the claim should

be made by the person ouldhis will and by his own solicitor

"I aood terms with

my family It was, therefore, quite reasonable to expect that I should

leave my wife sole heir and executrix It was also natural that she

should go to e her affairs

"With this object I confessed to my wife as much of the conspiracy as

was necessary Like many women, she possesses, in addition to every

virtue, a blessed devotion to her husband Where he is concerned she is

easily led even from the paths of honour I practised on that devotion;

I used all the arguments and persuasions based on that devotion

necessary to convert a woman of honour into the accomplice of a

conspiracy In brief, I made my wife join in the fraud She consented

to act for me, persuaded that if she did not the conspiracy would be

discovered The business has, therefore been carried through with the

greatest success You have paid the claim in full without question For