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"I always thought Mary Ann was prettier than G-Ginger," Monica ed to say once the phone went dark

Trent stared into the darkness and tried his level best to ignore the voice in his head that said they were both going to die in this goddaed to sound indignant through her fever "I’rown, but kinda small town"

He stroked her fevered brow as er type Did you want to be a movie star?"

"No Too many people to depend on for that to happen I need to take care of myself"

How much it must hurt to have to depend on anyone Then it dawned on him… she hadn’t needed to pee in hours

Monica woke several hours later, her body full of heat and ready to explode Unlike the last tiht Al "Trent?" she called out when she realized he wasn’t at her side

"Monica?" He scrambled from the far side of the cave "You’re awake"

"What time is it?"

"Nearly noon, I think"

A tut tut of her head pounded against her te felt like a dull throb attached to her knee

"Here" Trent brought her into a sitting position and helped tip the bottle of water to her lips

The nasty taste trickled down her throat and threatened to coive her more "I can’t," she uttered

"You have to drink aze "Later," she whispered "Have you heard anything?"

Trent followed her eyes to the top of the cave "A helicopter flew over hours ago"

"They didn’t see your Jeep" Would they fly over again? Look harder?

"They ht have" He rubbed at the three days of stubble on his chin and tried to s out of here, Monica I pro on to his lie Giving up without a fight wasn’t in her Not yet anyway "Well, when you put it like that," she teased "Maybe our next date can be a little shorter"