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A log cracked and fell apart, sparks flying upward Shadows formed fantastic shapes on the walls There was no sound All of the moment of silence, and their hands re about you, Kathryn, trying to see you Can you hear me, hear my mind? You must tell me where you are You’ve done it before withmoments, Savich felt the soft war him like a blanket He felt Sherlock’s hand in his, as soft and warm as the air, and he concentrated on Kathryn Golden, pictured the photo of her he’d seen on her dresser A handsos other people’s eyes didn’t He re dead, yet he’d seen her, spoken to her, that long-ago night in the Poconos But unlike Samantha Barrister, Kathryn Golden was alive He wasn’t sure how he knew this, but he knew

Was it possible for Kathryn Golden’s mind to connect to Wallace Tammerlane’s?

Kathryn was shtened that her fear was eating deep Savich stilled, and felt a ripple of awareness touch his radual, this awareness sifting like a shadow through his mind No, not a shado Savich felt a sudden ferocious fear--frantic and violent It burrowed into hi and chaotic Then he perceived that whatever it was touching hie The fear softened, the cacophony waned, and then there were jagged lines He saw them clearly, like the static on an old TV Savich forced hied lines They began to slow and lighten until they finally faded into nothing Savich saw it clearly now, a ht in front of his face It was a pale and vague i in soft colors, then it slowly sharpened, and he saw her clearly even though she was in a dark place A wo around her face, her clothes ripped, her feet bare, tied to a chair, a gag in her mouth He saw her head jerk up It was Kathryn Golden She was alert now, her every sense focused on him Oh God, who are you? I feel you He’s leftHelp me Dillon? Is that your naly bruise on her jahere Makepeace had struck her Without even wondering what he was doing, he thought, I will, stay calm

Oh, thank God you’re there Dillon--

Then it was as if soone His ined it? Had he experienced so dream? No, he had not

Wallace Tammerlane stood up a ot through to her There wasn’t any answer"

Ogden turned up the lights

"Maybe," Savich said, rising slowly, "the line was busy"

When at last they were ready to leave, Savich shook Wallace Taner’s "Thank you for your efforts We have to be leaving now If Kathrynthat could help us, please call ave each of them his card

Cheney turned at the front door "Do either of you keep journals?"

"Of course," Tammerlane said, and Bevlin nodded "All of us do"