Page 11 (1/1)

I nodded slowly, not allowing ic had not been part of what Id done

Sieh came over and took ly handprint around his throat was fading even as I watched

We all looked over at Nahadoth He sat on his knees as he had fallen, the knife still hilt-deep in his chest, his head sluray woe in bone, but she made the withdrawal look easy She examined it, shook her head, then offered it to ods blood on ht that she held the bladeso badly But as I got a better grip on the hilt, the woain, I realized that not only was it clean of blood, but it was a different shapecurved nowand finely honed

That suits you better, said the wo, I put the knife into its sheath at the ser have fit It did; the sheath had changed, too

So, Zhakka, you like her Sieh leaned againsthis head on my breast Immortal or not, there was such innocence in the way he did it that I did not push hi, and he uttered a deep, contented sigh

Yes, said the wo into Nahadoths face Father?

I did not juainsth to be truly soothing A mohtening with a bright smile I took that opportunity to step away froht ht, Yeine Hes different now Youre safe

She will not believe you, said Nahadoth He sounded like afrom a deep sleep She will not trust us now

It isnt your fault Sieh sounded unhappy We just need to explain, and shell understand

Nahadoth looked at h it seeone Nor did I see that other lookwhen hed heldwords And that kiss no I had ihtlord who sat before al even on his knees, and contemptuous I was reminded painfully of Dekarta

Will you understand? he askedanother step back in answer Nahadoth shook his head and rose, nodding gracefully to the woh Zhakka towered over Nahadoth, there was no question which was the superior and which the subordinate

We have no ti for her Mark her and be done with it Zhakka nodded and came toward me I stepped back a third tio ofHe barely came up to Zhakkas waist This isnt the ere supposed to do it We agreed to try and win her over

That isnt possible now, said Nahadoth

Whats to stop her fro Viraine about this, then? Sieh put his hands on his hips Zhakka had stopped, waiting patiently for the dispute to be resolved I felt forgotten and supreiven that I stood in the presence of three gods The terods just didnt see less than a saze returned to Sieh Satisfied?

I , I didnt even flinch

Sieh frowned and shook his head, but he stepped out of Zhakkas path This wasnt ed planned, he said with a hint of petulance

Plans change, said Zhakka Then she stood beforeto do? I asked Sohten me near as il, she said One that cannot be seen It will interfere with the sigil Viraine intends to put on you You will look like one of theil-marked Arameri? Was that who she meant? not free?

No more than we, for all they think otherwise, said Nahadoth There was, for just that moment, a hint of the softness in him that Id seen before Then he turned away Hurry up

Zhakka nodded, and touched er Her fists were the size of dinner plates; her finger seemed to sear like a brand when it touched er away, but she lifted her hand before I could She was done

Sieh, his sulk forgotten, peered at the spot and nodded sagely That will do