Page 14 (1/2)

Sieh hissed For an eyeblink there was so sharp and feraland then he was a boy again, sliding off the stool and tre with fury For a ue, but the hatred in his eyes was too old for that

I will laugh when youre dead, he said softly The srown mans now, tenor malevolence I will claim your heart as a toy and kick it for a hundred years And when I am finally free, I will hunt down all your descendants and make their children just like hed

And that, Lady Yeine, is e use the blood sigils, he said Silly as that threat was, heit out, yet even that protection is li Arameris order, or stupidity on your part, could leave you vulnerable

I frowned, reet to Viraine Only a fullblood can command him off now And Tvril hat had he called it?a halfblood

Stupidity on ave me a hard look They must respond to any imperative statement you make, Lady Consider how uratively, with no thought given to other interpretations When I frowned in thought, he rolled his eyes The co To the hells with you! Ever said it yourself, in a er? At my slow nod, he leaned closer The subject of the phrase is io But the phrase could also be understood as I want to go, and you will take me

He paused to see if I understood I did At my shudder, he nodded and sat back

Just dont talk to them unless you have to, he said Now Shall we He reached for the ink dish and cursed as it toppled the instant his fingers touched it; Sieh had soed a brush underneath The ink splattered across the tabletop like


and then Viraine touched ht?

That was how it happened, yes The first ti kindness again Been a hard day, has it? Well, this wont take long Hed cleaned up the ink spill; there was enough left in the dish that apparently he could continue If you could hold your hair back for me

I didnt move Why did Grandfather Dekarta do this, Scrivener Viraine? Why did he bring me here?

He raised his eyebrows, as if surprised that I would even ask Ihts I have no idea

Is he senile?

He groaned You really are a savage No, he isnt senile