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God of Crime Han Yeoul,??? 38460K 2023-09-02

Chapter 127 &8211; S the Sun 5

In the base of the Sun Cult, there was a secret room that ordinary people couldn't enterIt was called the Temple of Heaven, and no one could enter except for the leader and the bishopsIt was full of things that couldn't be shown to other people

In this place, Cho Min-hyuk and the three bishops were looking at each other with blank facesThey still didn't knohat they saas a reality or a drea Chi-hyun, as the oldest of the bishops, and had been there since the Sun Cult started three years old, opened his ed?"

It wasn't hard to believeThey had used all types of tricks to deceive the believersThey got information about the other person in an unnoticeable ured out the people's concerns or any illnesses they had

Song Chi-hyun had 10 years of experience as a icianMost of the tricks that the cult used caic to createa tumor from his abdomenIn other words, they were tricks that caood

In the end, Sun becaroups just three years after its creationBut now the real thing appeared…

Park Bubaek after the real one appeared, said,

"L-Leader… He really…"

He was particularly agitated

"Damn No matter how I look at it, he is real"

"I-Isn't it the setting that I made?"


Park Bum-ho was a manhriter whose work didn't sellHe prepared a story based on Gojoseon, but he hadn't been able to find an artist, so he plunged into sufferingThat's when the leader scouted hi were aard, he had the strange power to attract peopleIn particular, he was en expert at penetrating the baek's abilities could be set up In particular, we had a plan to change the face and clothes that hadn't been revealed yet"

In order to actually do it, they needed to figure out a way to change the mask on the face in an instantUnsa Kie of the caave his opinion

"…I analyzed the footage of that person I couldn't find any traces of a trick&8221;

Cho Min-hyuk asked Song Chi-hyun to show thee of a vast a from it could still be seen in their mindsHowever, the wound was like he had never been stabbed at all

Cho Min-hyuk asked,

"You didn't pretend to be stabbed with a fake knife right? There also wasn't plastic bag of blood either, right?"

"Yes… I can guarantee it I was clearly stabbed by a knife If you take a closer look,Chi-hyun showed them the knife that had stabbed himThe blood had disappeared, but the traces still re really appear in the setting that Park Bum-ho created? Fortunately, the person hadn't said that they were fakesThey were just worried about how Sun would operate in the future

"Leader First, let's assu"

"I think this is right"

The leaders caFirst of all, they would cooperate with the heavenly being as roupIt was literally the goose that laid the golden egg

At first, they asked the believers to give up the goods they had accuet so

It was naturalIt was because they lived an unhappy life that they joined the cult in the first placeJust re unhappyThen they would once again have to give soet soan

Once the berries were ripe, they would be harvested

Song Chi-hyun said,

"The good news is that the celestial being treats Leader-niod"

"It really is fortunate At that ht I was the reincarnation of a celestial being No, maybe…"

"Leader, I'm sorry but let's start with the worst case scenario Maybe you will have to hand over your position to hi advised to retire fro

"There is one good thing Pungbaek doesn't have the ability to read a person'sChi-hyun listened to the leader's words andfor other celestial beings We can use that as an excuse to expand Sun"

The bishops nodded at their leader, who ed to turn the crisis of retireroup"

"That’s right Think about it realistically That person really can use divine techniques Iine if he became the leader and showed the miracles in front of all of the believers"



The neould spread and

It would workIt had to work

Right now, they only had 1,200 believersThat could increase by 10, no 100 or even 1,000 times

"Even if it is only half…"

"What do you think about roup was plotting, Tae-hyuk was preoccupied with other thingsHe needed to find definite proof that the Sun Cult was related to the YakuzaFirst of all, he decided to check the incense, since that was the only connection point

He asked the person who moved the supplies and found out that there was a warehouse they were stored inThe guard was sooHe sat in his chair and played on his s had appeared

Tae-hyuk used Disguise to turn into Song Chi-hyunAlthough his height was a little shorter, aon the situation

"Huuard raised his head with an annoyed expressionThen he used as he realized that Bishop Song Chi-hyun was in front of him

"B-B-B-Bishop-ni office while he had been dozing off

"You went through a lot of trouble I need more incense at the rally"

"I-Is that so? Nor up at down I thought a ould be good for uard could only say one thing in response

"Yes! You worked hard!"

The guard bowed low, like a broken robotHe wouldn't be brave enough to take a look inside

The warehouse was filled with a variety of props, like it was the set of a historical dras here"

The incense wasn't difficult to find

However, the contents were empty

"Hr to determine if there was a secret spaceTae-hyuk activated the cri Mirror flashed in front of Tae-hyukInformation about the objects in the room ritten downThis was the ability of the Hawk Eyes attribute