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“Nah,” I say with a wave of o ahead Enjoy”

To my surprise, Declan lifts her hand to his mouth and presses a kiss there “Maybe another ti to enjoy a drink with my buddy”

We watch her strut off, ad of her hips as she leaves Declan turns, pro me to return to our conversation “So… you been tested yet?”

“Thisthe results any time now They come electronically these days” I pullthe side button to turn the ringer from vibrate to on

“What happens if you’re a match?” Declan asks

I regale him with more than he could possibly want to know about stem cell transplants To his credit, he listens attentively as I tell hiist at the children’s hospital—a recoly at the news the doctor is willing to take Sam on as a patient

I’d spent a good chunk of thisin Jerico’s office He’s the owner of The Wicked Horse Vegas, but our ties go way beyond that since he used to own the company I work for In order to concentrate on just one business, Jerico sold Jameson Force Security to my current boss, Kynan McGrath We had patched Kynan in on the phone call, so I could fill the at the same time

And the people at Ja what they do best, which is figuring shit out

Kynan put Bebe Griotten the inforhton had yet to provide While Jah-level security clearance, et what she wanted She’s that good

“I’ Sam come here for treatment,” I inform Declan “And I want him to stay here afterward, too”

Clearly concerned, Declan asks, “Can they do that? Once you’re in WITSEC, aren’t you in it for life? Or is that only on TV?”

Chuckling, I swirl the last bit of bourbon in e, indicating for the bartender to refill our glasses

“Technically, they can stay in the prograave thened a handler to report to That handler co confidential infor threat to the safety of those in the program”

Fully intrigued, Declan ignores his bourbon and leans in a bit closer “And is there?”

This is where working for Jameson becomes beneficial Bebe and Kynan found tons of infor, I’it contacts He even commands the ear of the President of the United States, so there’s not much that is off limits to him

“The ainst is extensive—with far-reaching branches His testipin, but did knock out ato h, there’s still an active hit out on her dad”