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Thump, thump

She rubbed her chest ‘Spend so up’

Noah’s eyes followed herit Not at all’

She gripped his forearm, wished his jacket wasn’t so thick she couldn’t feel his warh it ‘I had a wonderful tiht’ve happened if we’d stayed in touch’

‘Have you always been so upfront?’

‘I’ in more effort, she looked directly at Noah ‘I’ ns I didn’t see so didn’t know to ask about Learning the truth in such a blunt h probably for the best I do not want to have that happen again, at least not unless I can say I did everything intoo much maybe, but this ho she’d become and, like she’d said, who she would always be from now on

‘I’ether that we’re in a relationship Not at all I’d just like to spend some more time with you, and if it isn’t what you want then I expect you to tellto do with Holly, and all to do with herself Could be she wasn’t the devotedNo, not true But she was entitled to look out for herself in all this as well as for Holly Anyway, how could she deny the need growing inside her to get closer to Noah? Even while trying to keep on the straight and narrow until everything was sorted between them, she wanted him Badly

Noah was looking a little stunned Then he chuckled ‘Let’s have breakfast together in the ain It’s between the hospital and the private practice I’m at Unless you’re free in about forty-five minutes? When I’ve seen my patient?’

Te , hugging Talking about Holly On her toes, Stacey leaned in and kissed Noah ‘I’ll see you tomorrow,’ and she tried to step away

‘Not so fast’ His ar fraue tasted her, turning her knees to mush so that she’d have dropped to the pave was iht now, then this was the only way to go Why had she turned down his offer to go with him?

Noah watched Anastasia head down the escalator to the trains below ground, his finger touching where her last kiss had landed ‘I’m in trouble’ No matter how sensible he was, how he laid out the facts of his heart not wanting to be broken, or his trust trashed, he was falling for Anastasia Wainwright He felt like a er and unable to back away It was scary He hadn’t learned enough about her yet

Should he ju? But what if he’d got it all wrong, and she was another gold-digger? Yet when they were kissing his body was alight with need, and he wanted to rush her off to his bed andTo enjoy her coain

When she’d asked to see hiain there had been no way he could say no Open, determined and so lovable, all in one How could he not want her? Why wouldn’t he just fall for her and be done with it?

He’d noticed she’d gone quiet for a brief moment when he’d ht when he’d told her the house needed redecorating there’d been another quiethis worth, however little she knew From what he’d seen and heard about her lifestyle with her family, he understood there wasn’t a lot of money to spare, but he couldn’t believe she would be soot that wrong once before

Sighing, he turned in the direction of the hospital A patient required his attention, and he required so his head

And in the ether It couldn’t coh and wouldn’t be anywhere as much time with Anastasia as he’d like

‘Noah, wait’

He spun around and caught Anastasia as she bounded up and threw her arht’

Noah kissed her like his life depended on it Then he drew back ‘Guess we’d better get aand then they’d grab a cab to his house His blood was throbbing in his wrists and ed her to the hospital and into the lift

And finally, afteras well as expected, Noah took Anastasia out again onto the street to wave down a cab and take her ho all the way

Inside the front door, he leaned back to nudge it shut, Anastasia in his arms ‘Welcome to my house’

She didn’t stop to look around, just rose up on her toes and wound her arms around his neck ‘Run out of kisses?’