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Addicted Claire Adams 12930K 2023-08-28

Chapter One


I rolled theofso off and landing You sort of forgot how freaking huge they hen they were flying above you

My assistant had toldI'd been sitting inthe sun start to rise over LAX, wishing I'd got a later flight It was six thirty in the godda; the only other tiht and hadn't gotten to sleep yet

What was I even doing here? I could have asked Dad if I could use his plane I was Nate Stone: I didn't have to fly commercial

I shut ainst the driver's seat In ten hours, I wouldn't have to think about this place for another threeruet to me

I watched a plane take off and fly into the distance, till I couldn't see it anymore In two hours, that would be ht I'd checked in online already, and I was flying first class Just two hours, man, I said to myself This vacation ay overdue I kneas over when I tried to write a song the other day and got nothing

Nothing Not a word The band didn't use , the booze, the girls – it had done soht up withdope and booze in Hawai’i I’d be fine if I just got away from it

I checked the tiain Five minutes had passed Fuck Could I fall asleep? Go inside? Eat? So other than just sit here and wait?

My phone was ringing Still ringing I'd ignored a phone call twice already I didn't knoho the fuck was trying so hard, but I was pretty sure you werewhen it was obvious the person you were calling didn't want to talk to you

Fuck, what if it was ier? Or Dad?