Page 14 (1/2)

“What happened with the fourth?”

“The fourth, that one was the key The servants were now used to us hiding out in the study That baby was part of his big plan and trust nant again He was anxious to see a birth”

“When Hannah’s water burst I helped hi screen I ht forward so no shadoere cast I wished him well and headed for the study where ere supposed to be playing cards”

“So, he saw the birth? He must have been so happy”



“He passed out as soon as the head appeared Flat on his back and no one even knew that he was there I found hi for him”

She laughed softly “I’ that’s why they had another child”

“Yes, he wanted another chance This time when he went into the room to hide, Bertha was ready for hih Rotten Row” His whole body shook with laughter “I’ve never seen him run so fast in my life”

“Did she get him?”

He leaned over laughing harder She saw his head nod She couldn’t help laughing along with him until it hurt “Ouch!” That stopped his hu his arm around her

“Are you okay?”

She nodded “It’s just a little pain”

“Madison Soloman,” the nurse announced

“That’sto Ephraim “You don’t have to come in”

“Are you sure?”

She nodded “I’m sure”

“Okay, I’ll be waiting for you here”

She stood up and bent over quickly, clasping her stomach “Ow!” Before she could sit back down Ephraim had her scooped up in his arms

“Which way?” he asked the nurse

“T-This way,” she answered nervously

Madison buried her face against his chest “I knoeetheart, this isI’m sorry”

“It’s okay,” she ainst his chest

“You can help her get dressed now,” the doctor said She turned her back to give them privacy Ephraim didn’t understand the need for that The wooing to say anything since Madison seemed relieved

Once she was dressed, Ephrais hanging over the side “Is she okay?”

The doctor turned around “Tell ain”

Ephrai to believe that he’d been too rough taking her virginity He hated it more because it made him look like an assle

“Huh?” Madison’s cheeks turned a fiery red

The doctor folded her hands in her lap and leaned back in her chair “I can only help you if I knohat happened I knohat didn’t happen I know this did not occur during natural intercourse”

“Huh?” Was the only response Madison could e She was so embarrassed

“This doesn’t leave the office, am I correct?” Ephraim asked