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Page 54 (1/2)

Shaking inside, she watched the noisy, energetic world around her She’d gone a year without any flashbacks and had hoped they’d left coo That day had been one of those life-defining s really can happen and people you love can die Suddenly Violently

After scrubbing her face with her hands, she strode down the sidewalk as if to outrun her memories Not possible, but sometimes she could fast-forward to the end How she’d cowered in a corner, unable to run, blood pouring down her cheek, s A man had entered the tiny apartment Silver-haired, deep lines beside his -sleeved shirt clean and white, with no terrifying red splotches

She’d whimpered like a hurt animal, unable to stop the pitiful sounds When he had co herself s as if it could shield her He’d snapped so, and someone handed him a blanket He’d stepped forward She shook her head, no no no, but he had simply opened the blanket and dropped it onto her lap And then he’d backed up and knelt a few feet away Far enough that she had ain Could look at him “My name is Abe, and I’m with the FBI, sweetie” He’d waited a moment for her to understand, then said, “I’m here just for you To help you Let me take you someplace safe”

There is good in this world to balance the bad

She’d been given a gift—a person who understood, who listened, who helped put her life back together And using him as a model, she’d become an FBI victim specialist—someone who could reach past the terror Could listen Could help

Speaking of which…

A bench at a bus stop provided a seat, and a tall ly disposable cell phone Agent Kouros had provided—did she look like a person who’d carry a gray phone?—she checked the status of a victim’s compensation process and called her temporary replacement, Zella, to remind her of Josh’s court date and that the teen would need hand-holding

As Gabi answered Zella's questions on the other cases, guilt stabbed deep inside her People depended on her, and she’d run off to Ta, Zella said, “The boss says you’re off on medical leave” A pause “I heard a ru exciting”

Gabi’s er bit Soossipy secretary She watched the traffic—black car, taxi, white car—and said truthfully, “I’o within three weeks or so”

“Good to hear I’ve heard a lot of whining about your absence, especially from the kids”

The warh her outfaced the sun It’s nice to be missed “Thanks See you soon”

After disconnecting, Gabi dialed Rhodes He didn’t answer Of course Dickhead wouldn’t take calls if he wasn’t on duty Yet so, she dialed the backup number

“Galen Kouros” She’d have known hiland accent

“This is Gabrielle Renard”

“Gabrielle What can I help you with?”

She bit her lip Ratting on someone Maybe she should have—

“Is there a problem, Gabrielle?”

“Well, I hear there’re ru exciting in Tampa Perhaps it’s not that bad, but—”

“And how did you hear this?” His voice took on a grim tone

Oh hell, she wasn’t supposed to contact her office “Ah I called to check that ht and answer questions about my caseload”

Silence and a sigh “Victihearted social workers” He made the term sound more like an insult than a compliment “I’ll deal with the leak and speak with your replacement You concentrate on your current job”

Considering the way he made Gabi feel like an idiot, the poor secretary was in for a rough time “Yes, sir”

“I spoke with Z by the way; you did a fine job at the club last weekend Your prior experience isnearly as well”