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Teuar Katie Reus 30770K 2023-09-03

Using his supernatural speed he raced down the street, heading east before crossing over to the other side Even though Estrella was ht, he knehere she’d be entering the building and he planned to meet her there Not toher that he hadn’t even told her about He’d brought the full force of his pack here for her

Ducking behind a building that sold wood flooring and carpet, he raced behind the few buildings until he reached the art studio The black SUV with tinted as the only vehicle in the paved parking lot It was too dark for him to see inside and there were too uish here

As he decided on his next move, Estrella appeared fro and strode toward the back door cautiously As she moved, one of the side doors to the SUV opened and Rainer didn’t think He just ju his stealth and natural ani abilities, he hurtled himself at the tall male in a leather jacket and jeans who had stepped out and tackled him so that they fell back into the vehicle Rainer quickly assessed that no one else was inside as he grabbed the vampire by the back of the neck then slammed his face into theIt shattered under the iled, two of his pack mates who’d been lookouts appeared frouy, he shoved him at his friends "Don’t kill himyet," he murmured, as his packfroht be supernatural but Rainer guessed he was young considering how easy he’d subdued him

He had colance over his shoulder as he hurried toward the back door where Estrella stood She’d seen him take down the vampire and noatched him in confusion

He couldn’t do it Just couldn’t let her walk in there and offer herself up like bait Take out the vamps, but try not to kill them Just make sure Estrella’s friend isn’t hurt, Rainer ordered Conrad telepathically and prayed the woman came out of this unscathed If she didn’t, Estrella would never forgive him

As Estrella’s eyes locked with his, it was like she could see what he’d just done Her eyes widened in horror as she jerked the door open and raced inside

Chapter 7

Estrella’s heart pounded wildly against her chest as her inner jaguar took over out of sheer panic The guilt she’d seen in Rainer’s eyes had slammed into her chest with the intensity of a semitruck In that instant she’d knohat he’d done and panic had seared her with the knowledge that Sabrinaher beast take over, Estrella ignored the shredding of her clothes and shoes as she transforned and fur now replaced skin as she sprinted down a short hallway The sound of angry shouts and grunts had her terror growing

She followed Sabrina’s scent to the door that opened up into a giant storage area that took up alht and strength and launched herself at it Her paws hit the door and a loud crack split through the air as it broke underneath her

She tue area to find Rainer’s packwith the va in thewas di an eerie atmosphere draped in shadows Blades and claws slashed at each other as blood and angry cries filled the air A few of them looked at her and she knew the rest of them were acutely aware of her presence, but none of the killed

Sabrina sat huddled in a corner, her eyes glassy with fear and probably a whole lot of shock When she spotted Estrella, she let out a strangled sound Estrella didn’t blauar in an art studio would scare the crap out of her, too

But her friend was alive That hatthe situation, she snarled and crouched low All the males seemed evenly hting with Conrad Too bad that vamp was hers He’d taken her friend and he’d pay

Ready to strike, she searched for an opening when a roar that made her entire body quiver filled the air She’d known Rainer was seconds behind her but when she turned to see hih the door, she froze and stared at his learowled at her, and even though she kneas borne out of fear, the sound was angry and terrifying

"No!" The va her attention away from Rainer The vamp used the opportunity to punch Conrad in the face so hard he flew back into a case of storage tubes with a loud crash Knife raised, he raced at Rainer

Estrella couldn’t attack the vaht had barely processed in her brain as she threw herself at Rainer’s body She uar for hi her forearms and paws around hi into her skin