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Whispering Rock Robyn Carr 30540K 2023-09-03

"Come over after school," Jordan said "Maybe we can hook you up"

"Listen, Jord, I know you’re just trying to be a good friend and get me laid, but how about you worry about you and I’ll take care of !"

But Toht--actually, I think I do knohat I’h Jordan who interested him So far "You take care of you--I’ll take care of me"

Still, Jordan was one of the few friends he’daround the horses soeneral didn’t like hiood reason Torateful to have a friend at all, but hopeful that so

A young ht in front of Jack He was clearly under thirty Jack eyed the polo shirt, khaki pants and loafers--not the uy was not hunting, fishing or splitting logs He gave the counter a wipe and said, "What can I get you?"

"How about a beer?"

"That’s our specialty," Jack said, serving hih?"

"No, as a matter of fact At least I hope that’s a no--I just started teaching at Valley High School I thought I’d get to know some of the folks around here" He took a pull on his beer "You have any high schoolers?"

"Brace yourself," Jack said, lifting his coffee cup "I have a new baby By the ti hed He put out a hand "Zach Hadley"

"Jack Sheridan Welcome aboard How do you like it so far?"

"A little out of er school, city kids But I wanted to give a rural co--they laugh at rinned "Lotta ranchers, far around here That, and hunting and fishing" He nodded at the young olfer?" He chuckled "Figures"

Mel caht across the bar to Jack Jack hefted the baby and said, "Mr Hadley, er in his h out of Jack

"Yeah, he’s just war to be one of the fun ones, I can tell"

Jack reached underneath the bar for the backpack He very deftly slipped David into it and then the straps over his shoulders "Mel," he said, while getting David coh school teacher in town"

They shook hands and Zach explained he was renting a s around, hbors and parents of his kids "Well, you’re here at the right ti out for a beer or cup of coffee"

"Excellent," he said "Do you run this place with your husband?"

"No I’m a nurse practitioner and midwife I work across the street with Doc Mullins in his clinic"

"Is that a fact?" he asked, intrigued

"It’s a fact no one around here gives birth in daylight," Jack said, serving his wife a short beer

"My very able helper," Mel said "When I have a delivery at Doc’s, Jack usually sits up through the night in case I need hi"

Mike came into the bar, took his place beside Mel Jack introduced him as a former LAPD police officer who’d served with him in the Marine Corps Next was Doc

"You know, there’s a lot of interesting experience in this little bar I bet it would be good for some of the kids to hear about your career choices How about it?"

Mike said, "I’ve done that, actually"

"You have? How’d it go?" Zach asked

"Hs--have I ever shot anyone and have I ever been shot My ansere yes, and not yet Shortly after that I was shot I don’t think that’ll get the department any recruits"

"I’d be happy to talk to the kids about birth control, sexually transmitted disease and sexual assault," Mel said "I’ve been looking for a way into the school--this is pretty conservative country"

"Mel," Jack said, "Zach was just saying he’s new and hopes he’s not just passing through" Preacher calasses "Preacher,for some volunteers to talk to his students about their career choices"

"Hey,a bigit out "Nice toa chef," Jack said

Preacher looked at Zach, smiled and said, "No way in hell I barely talk to ht back to the kitchen

Zach leaned over the bar and looked past Mike and Mel to Doc "Dr Mullins?" he questioned hopefully

Doc lifted his one whiskey of the day along with a bushy white eyebrow He sipped, put the whiskey down and said, "In your dreaood-naturedly, "That ell"

"You knohat you got yourself here, young ot yourself an excellent place to have a beer"

"How about you, Jack? You’d do it, right?"

"Sure, Zach I’ll go tell the kids all the advantages of owning your very own bar Right after that, Mel can teach them sexual responsibility Kind of a little family business"