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SHE WANTED TO bla her Jolene Who did that? Who nahter after the most notorious other woman in country music? Once she’d learned who she was na back And yet just two days ago she’d learned the ugliest truth of her life—she’d been sleeping with a married man

For two years

Joey sighed and reached under her sunglasses to wipe a tear from her eyes


“Sorry,” Joey said

“You don’t have to be sorry, babe” Kira reached over and squeezed her knee “We’re almost to LAX You need to stop somewhere?”

Joey shook her head “Keep driving The sooner I’ me”

“I can kill Ben for you, too I’ht do it even if you don’t want me to”

When Joey laughed it felt odd, and she realized it was the first tihed in over thirty-six hours

“Isn’tit?” Joey asked

“Overdoing it? That piece of shit slept with you in Honolulu and with his wife in LA, and at no point in two years did he tell her about you or you about her? That is what happened, right? I didn’t make that up?”

“No, that’s right”

“Then it’s not ue with ht You know I am”

Joey didn’t argue She couldn’t because it was all true For two years Ben had been her boyfriend They worked together They played together They slept together She believed hi in LA That he treasured his time with her in Hawaii He’d move there permanently if he could, but ouldn’t let him Blah blah blah Lies, all of it Lies she’d believed, which is why she routed her flight through LA so she could surprise him And surprise him she did She knocked on his door and his wife answered Quite a surprise for them all