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DINO ROSSINI SAT FORWARD, an ugly sneer on his face ‘You’rea mistake, Cavallari You think this is what your father wanted?’

Seated behind the desk in his late father’s study, Luca Cavallari ry stare with a steady one of his own Glancing away—even blinking—would shoeakness, and this man, like all bullies, preyed on those he considered weaker than himself

It hy Luca had just fired him

‘What my father wanted ceased to s my way now’

Rossini’s expression darkened ‘The old ways—’

‘Will not be tolerated Ihis father’s security chief had blatantly ignored Disgust turned Luca’s voice rough ‘What you did yesterday was indefensible’

‘He stole from you,’ Rossini said, as if that justified his brutality

‘You should have called the police’

Rossini laughed, the sound harsh Mean ‘This isn’t New York You think a fancy suit and haircut gets you respect?’ He shook his head ‘America made you soft, Cavallari Here, when someone steals from you, disrespects you, you don’t call the police You teach him a lesson’

Anger sent Luca surging to his feet He leant forward, planting his fisted hands on the desk ‘A lesson?’ His voice booed roos—onto a sixteen-year-old boy! He has a fractured leg, broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder and a serious concussion’ Bile burned the back of Luca’s throat Controlling his temper, he sat back down and said coldly, ‘Get out’

‘What about my men?’

‘They’re fired, too’

Rossini stood, another sneer distorting his face ‘It won’t be easy replacing us’

‘I already have’ Luca punctuated the fact with a hard, satisfied s to escort you off the estate’

Rossini’s cheeks turned a deeper shade of erent look, and stalked out

Luca stood and lare of the Sicilian sun, two large, muscular men accoot in, gunned the engine and sped off, the car’s tyres spitting gravel and kicking up a cloud of pale dust Luca watched the vehicle vanish froht