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“Thy fate is the common fate of all; into each life some rain must fall”

-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow



Thirteen years old


I’m sorry if I upset you withis ruined because of me, and I don’t have anyone to talk to anymore My brother hates me My dad hates me He hates , and I want to run away forever and never look back You said I could run away to you if I needed to, remember? Can I? Can I come stay with you? Maybe your parents can pick me up You know my address If you come, I’ll be ready I hate it here It’s all my fault I want to run away Please, let me run away to you

Are you afraid of me now because of what I did? Is that why you won’t write me back? It was a mistake I swear, it was a mistake I didn’t mean to do it She was my best friend, like you are my best friend

Please write me back

I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry

I don’t want to be here anymore I don’t want to feel like this anymore I hate this I’m sorry

Please write me back

Please, Sun I need you




Present day