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Chapter One

Suddenly Taylor woke fro to his pillow Jesus! Of all the things she could have dreamed of, why did she have to dream about Chase and relive his death every time her eyes closed

Just one ti up fifty billion ti nighte her clothes that were drenched in her sweat She smeared her hands over her face that was now flooded by tears

As she changed, she couldn’t help but to think about the dream To her, it see in the dream had been identical to her ht

“Aren’t you ever gonna be done hatever it is you work on out there? I a hours after work in your mysterious workshop that I’ fro that you don’t want me to know about?”

“Eventually” He said it in a way that was meant to drive her crazy Nonchalant like Well turnabout is fair play in love and war This was ht quietly to herself

She strolled leisurely up behind hi her arht to his h his jeans and what she hadn't expected was the fresh sulf her nares and stir her inner Goddess She took a deep breath, and back to the task at hand she began teasing hiet hiht to the point then stop until he told her exactly what she wanted to hear That was her plan

“You can touch all you like and both of us will enjoy it as always, but I’” He informed her of her failed assault as he continued to wash his hands as if she weren’t touching hiet what she wanted Or so she thought anyways She wanted to show hi and what she could do

She walked away froh before flipping the channels on the TV She ignored his laughter in the background as she had no doubt he thought this was entertaining She fought to keep her eyes on the TV and not on him That in itself was a task from hell for her to keep Chase, so sexy, and hers to do hatever she wanted

“Are you gonna sit there and pout or are you gonna co my back You know you wash mine, I’ll wash yours Or I’ll lick yours, you suck hed louder this time

Shower! Shower! Shower! Her inner Goddess answered the question for her Her ive in so easy as she was detera and she knew exactly what cards he was playing with

“Coame with me I alin” She could hear his a to hide in his voice And there was sos she didn’t want to adht now

She stared at the TV trying to concentrate hard on not looking into his sapphire eyes Just a look into his eyes would make her melt in her shoes and probably her panties as well It didn’t take , as if they were rejoicing for as to coht of him and she was ready

"Babe, are you seriously playing hard to get?" He almost sounded shocked, was she that easy? The first time she didn't say yes baby yes he knew exactly what she was doing She thought to herself, yes I'et but I ain't about to tell you shit, because I' Taylor, you can do this

"Really?" He slowly said the word showing how this had excited him She knew it had She didn't have to look at him to know She could hear it loud and clear