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Cold, s I noticed

Next ca pain Sitting was not an option Even rolling fro over er re fro pains forcinguntil I was e ain Each spash my head

Just when I thought I couldn’t take any settled into dull queasiness It didn’t feel good, but it was tolerable My head was a whole other story The pressure inside made it feel as if my skull had shrunk two sizes too s I lay on the floor, in a heap like a li Minutes, hours, days… I drifted in and out of consciousness Each ti nausea sentdry heaves I think I ony that acco My entire existence narrowed down to waking to insufferable pounding in , after which I’d thankfully pass out when the pain flared to levels no human could withstand

It was a vicious, unrelenting cycle

At soh to scoot into a seainst the ithout the added benefit ofto break out ofdown saliva until the urge to voed to keep er than a blink and you missed it moment, my head became the pole in theoff its axis while I was stuck watching it go by I forced back the bubbling bile and waited for the nausea to pass For the first tiained consciousness, I was able to look at s

And immediately wished I hadn’t

The rest of my senses dulled while I slu drowned out by the nonstop cycle of pain and nausea I hadn’t paid attention to my environment before now, and once I did, the horror of my reality smacked me like a backhand to the te froet war thele di, no doubt to cast a super-creepy shadow of my slumped over form across the walls Liquid terror, pure and black, pu the floor and ceiling, was dull, gray, unbroken concrete No s, no furniture, no blankets—not a single other item in the maybe six-by-six-foot space

Only me

Panic slithered up from the base of my spine, coiled its slimy tendrils around s protested the intruder as it constricted the flow of air,confines ofmy eyes and flowed uselessly downin a sob, I was hit upside the head fro scent of urine Oh my God The crotch of my cotton sleep shorts et At some point, I must have pissed myself

Left like a filthy anie