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This is the last place I should be

Alcohol, drunk teenagers, and thu music

A party

Not to be drahtmare wrapped in super-expensive watered down alcohol

Now, I’h my best friend Dan would say otherwise

Spoiler alert, don’t believe anything Dan says He’s into drama and all that jazz

But I promised him I’d attend one party before the summer starts Since Dan is part of the football tea — not that I knohat that is, but I had an idea it’d be in some posh house in London

However, the sneaky wanker chose the party AKA theparties in Royal Elite

When Dan and I walked inside, I had to double-check and see if ere so into the queen’s holiday mansion and if I should tell her by team piss in her pool

To say the place is huge would be like saying the Vikings are tiny Okay, that was las in any similes I make

Golden arcs decorate the entrance all the way to thestairs only add to how ridiculously grandiose this place is — even for Royal Elite’s level Jeez There are even butlers serving drunk teenagers more drinks than they need

I mean, I come from money Scratch that Dad is rich, I’m not However, this is on a whole different level Even for me

When Dan said it’s party night — right before the bugger sneaked off — I thought we’ll crash in one of the popular ‘royals’ houses

We’ll drink their rich liquor, try to pretend that we belong to the same school that has the future pri and then piss off to nurse a hangover

Dan forgot to mention a tiny detail about the location of the party
