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'PLEASE, Rafe My reputation for reliability is on the line here'

Rafe sighed Les had to be really desperate to ask him to do this His ex-partner knew full well the one job he'd hated when they'd been in the photographic business together was covering weddings Where Les enjoyed the dra day, Rafe found the whole wedding scenario irritating in the extreot on his nerves, as did all the hugging and crying that went on afterwards

Rafe was not a big fan of wo

On top of that, it was impossible to be seriously creative when the criterion was siardless Rafe, the perfectionist, had loathed having to ith the possibilities that the weather s difficult and the bridal party hopelessly unphotogenic

As a top-flight fashion andThe sets The lighting And above allthe , you had control over very little

'I presunation in his voice

"The wedding's on Saturday, exactly a fortnight from today,' Les explained 'You kno popular Saturday weddings are Every decent photographer in Sydney will already be booked'

'Yeah Yeah I understand Okay, so what do you want me to do?

"The bride's due at your place at noon today'

Rafe's eyes flicked to the clock on the wall It was eleven fifty-three 'And what if I'd refused?'

'I knew you wouldn't let ht be the very devil oood mate'

Rafe shook his head at this back-handed coirlfriends over the years So what? He was thirty-three years old, a better-than-average-looking bachelor who spent his days photographing bevies of beautiful wole It was inevitable that their ready availability, plus his active libido, would keep the wheels turning where his relationships were concerned

But he wasn't a woirlfriend at a tie Or children Was that a crime? It seemed to be in some people's eyes