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It took all of half a second to findbeside the hot tub Another two to find us on the side of the building that was directly next to the pool And just three more to find me bent over and my panties around my ankles

I didn’t even have ti up to the entrance of my sex

“Don’t make any noise,” he ordered as I felt the kiss of his cock at , let me know”

“Okay,” I breathed

He was al his way into ainst my clit as the tip of his cock kissed my cervix

“Shit,” he hissed

I grinned “You told me to be quiet”

He grunted out an ‘I know’ and started toin order not to jar me

That hat did it for me, I think His worry that he would hurt me

In the end, I caht possible

All he’d done was press and swirl, givingof my life

But the orgasest one I’d ever experienced in my life

He pulled out and I instantly felt bereft As ifthat made it completely whole

I spun around just as I heard so

“Damn, I need the fuckin’ hot tub in the worst way after today,” I heard one of his club brothers say “Fuckin’ bolaries aren’t for the faint of heart”

I would ask him as meant by those comments later

Later when the intensity in his eyes wasn’t sending chills down my spine

And not bad chills, either Good chills Chills that were the best thing I’d ever felt in my life

Who knew having a aze pinned on you while you sucked hiood?

“Now, suck et you on birth control, this is going to be it”