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He grimaced “He knohat he wants He doesn’t need you to worry about that He can worry about it himself And if he’s made it this far, he wants you Not sure why but…”

I punched him in the kidney “You’re not funny”

“I’et your head out of whatever fucked up place it’s at and let’s get you walked down the aisle The sooner I can get out of this getup, the better”

I pulled back and straightened lad for the invention of double-sided tape

Just as I was about to agree with him, my mother hustled into the room with a look of determination on her face

“You, get to your spot” MyCandy Crush on her phone “They’re starting You, are you walking down the aisle with your sister or so? Or should you already be at your seat?”

My ainst his crotch

“My kid puked onto dry it Give me a fuckin’ break”

“Don’t speak to yourher son with him faced away from her and toward the rest of the roootten done eating What the fuck did you think was going to happen?”

“Boys and girls,” my mother snapped “This is Catori’s special day I don’t want y’all ruining it Now, go get seated It’s time to start”

I could hear theparty and knew she was right

But there I was, still leaning against

I wasn’t waiting for long, though

Because, like the i

He yanked open the door, spotted me, and then stalked toward me

“You will not get out of this now,” he growled

Then, without a word to anybody in the room, he picked th of the church to where ould both be giving our vows

“Laric,” I said “You were supposed to let the flower girls and Harlow go first” I giggled

Laric looked down at ht you were having cold feet”

I shook my head “I’ve never been surer of anyone in my life than I am of you”

“You gonna put her down, son?” Lynn asked curiously

I looked over to see Lynn standing in as best man beside us

Harloas rushing down the aisle, came to stand directly in front of him but to the side

“Yes,” Laric said “When we’re done saying our vows”

I snickered “Laric…”

“Get on with it,” Laric ordered the preacher

The preacher, a man I’d just met today, opened his mouth and closed it, as if he wasn’t too sure what to do

I winked at him “It’s okay Just start He may eventually put me down”