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Dear Abby

This Invertary story takes place about eight years after Bad Boy

Dear Abby,

You are the love of my life

“You’re really going to write her a letter about this?” Flynn’s thirteen-year-old daughter shook her head as she looked over his shoulder

Flynn Boyle held up the card he’d spent good e, sparkly card With Hearts”

She gave hi look “It won’t work And you can’t start it like that It’s really corny”

Flynn let out a frustrated growl and tried again

Dear Abby,

You are the love ofwoman I know

“Still corny,” Katy said

“If you aren’t going to help, you need to get lost”

She put a hand on his back, tossed her plaited hair over her shoulder, and gave hier could deliver “A hand-written note won’t get you out of this mess Maybe you should take her away somewhere, like Paris Or the moon Somewhere she can’t see what you’ve done”

“Helpful Really helpful” He eyed her Invertary Juniors soccer strip “Why aren’t you at practice?”

“Because the coach is here, screwing up his e”