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A delicious pressure tightened in her belly as ih herCole and that honorable streak of his, he’d shackle her to his bed and leave her there, alone, until

“Take the cuffs off, please?” she said, giving hiet what she wanted

Stretching across the console, he unlocked theher “Behave yourself”

She rubbed her chafed wrists “Thank you,” she said curtly Opening her door, she stepped out of the vehicle and headed for the street, not his house

He scraht “Where do you think you’re going?” he called after her

She didn’t bother looking back “Home, where you should have taken me”

Before she could retrieve her cell phone fro in front of her, his face reflecting ierous She opened her o away, but the words never had a fair chance to form as he bent low, jammed his broad shoulder into her midsection, and hefted her up and over his back like a sack of grain

Her breath escaped in a sharp whoosh as she flipped upside down, ar up in the air Blood rushed to her head, ain her bearings enough to express her indignation

Gripping handfuls of his shirt, she braced her fists on his backside and tried twisting her body around to look at hied to cause a crick in her neck “What do you think you’re doing?”

His arht around the back of her knees to hold her in place as his stride quickened, jarring her with each step he took “I’ you inside”

She could feel the , bunching as he moved, and the warm, masculine scent of hi her “You can’t keepme this way!”

“I wouldn’t have to if you’d do as I say,” he said rationally

Releasing a low, peeved growl, she squir at hi her demands, he slipped his arm lower around her calves and clah to keep her still His callused fingers abraded her sensitive skin and she gasped as a bright flare of desire electrified her

Seething at his audacity and the absurdity of the situation, she blurted out, “I ought to bite you!” And the first place she’d sink her teeth into was his perfect ass, she decided

“I’ll bite back,” he drawled, his thuh, which quivered at his intiot access to a whole lot of tender flesh, so you’d better think twice before doing so so rash”