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I take a deep breath and ren Gasps are audible as the executives from Martinez brows furrow and their heads shake from side to side I’m doomed

Mr Carter stands up and smiles proudly, I know it’s just an act, but at least he was trying to look supportive of his designer “We’ll give you a few minutes to discuss it”

With that, he signals for me and Lisa to follow him out of the room We step out and before I could even co Lisa turns to lare “You do know you probably just cost us one of our biggest clients just to ners at the neighborhood super a job anywhere else in this time industry”

“Lisa, calm down It isn’t over yet Mr Carter placates her before he turns to me “I can’t say that ell because it is yet to be seen But you handled yourself professionally, Riley” His eyes travel overat the top two buttons ofdown to my studded black boots “Nice shoes”

“Thank you,” I s polite

The door eventually opens, and we are invited back inside As I walk toward one Solemn expressions wait until both Lisa and Mr Carter are seated

“Mr Carter, Miss Weston, Miss Harper, ant to thank you for the design” A won, we had considered looking to a new agency for our ive you one last chance to prove yourselves”

I notice Mr Carter and Lisa’s eyebrows raise; shocked at the revelation that this had been a test frolance at the small coffee table beside ht have just lost this coe contract

“Unfortunately,” the wo Mr Carter's reaction “It seeencies BPC Advertising has once again proven to be innovative and daring, and we love the idea It’s brilliant”

I look up, confident thatas the woman continues “It’s exactly anted but could have never iined I ners We would like Miss Harper to take the lead on the entire can with the same innovation that she’s shown today”

Lisa audibly gasps at the announcement as a smile spreads across my face I wasn’t fired I want to throw a fist pump in the air nut refrain

“I’d be honored to Thank you I’lad you liked it,” I improvise when I realize both Lisa and Mr Carter are at a loss for words

Once theis finished, and everyone has left I collectaround, I feel a hand on my arm

“My office Riley, now,” Mr Carter says quietly

Goosebule all over my body at his touch Desire coils in my belly as I nod and follow him to the elevator