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A tall figure eed from the dark hallway Two men followed behind him “Who are you?”

“Agent Duane Dickerson,” the ht outside the cell

“Am I in jail?”

“County,” Dickerson replied “You’re in solitary confinement”

“For what?” Hank asked, wondering if he were in Coluota, Colombia, after that remark Since when did Columbia have solitary confinement in their small facility?

“We’re keeping you here until we have a chance to see what’s going to happen out at your place”

“What do youat the e or show credentials

“I don’t have time to explain”

“You can’t hold athe man didn’t act like he was in any particular hurry He crossed his arms, leaned back and studied him like he planned to sum him up for a bit

“I’ for your cooperation”

“I’d beme behind bars for no apparent reason!”

“You haven’t listened to a word I’ve said”

“Am I under arrest?”


“Then let o!” Hank demanded