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Nodding, I swipe an apple out of the basket “If it makes you happy, I’ll meet with Edward Does he sparkle?”

“Why would he Oh! Is that the new slang for gay? I don’t actually know He didn’t seem to be, but I never can tell anymore—”

“No!” I can’t help laughing “It’s a book! Nevermind Should I call first?”

She’s still mildly confused “Elaine said she’d take care of the whole thing You just have to be at his office at eleven, and he’ll meet with you there”

A quick glance at the clock says I have a few hours “At least it’s Friday Please tell Elaine I said thank you And I can only hope she deserves my favorite brother”

“That’s irl When you’re done, let’s have lunch at L15”

My nose iod, is that place still in business?”

She glances up concerned “No good?”

“It’s the classic joke—the food is terrible, and the portions are too small!”

Now she laughs, a sweet, ood to be true “Then you pick the place I won’t treat you like a tourist”

“Is Millie’s still around?”

“On the East Loop?” I nod, and she concedes “See you there at noon”

Chapter 2: Surprises


The law offices of Merritt, Hampton, and Donnelly are an easy walk from Sylvia’s Near North condo I’an I love