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Blind Love WilkieCollins 7950K 2023-09-01

The event entirely failed to justify his s There could be no

doubt that Sir Giles attached serious importance to the conte exa the clerk on a

second errand--still without troubling himself to explain what his

incomprehensible instructionsRooms, in our town, open

as early as nine Very well Go to the Roo, on the

stroke of the clock" He stopped, and consulted the letter which lay

open on his bed "Ask the librarian," he continued, "for the third

volume of Gibbon's 'Decline and Fall of the Roht and seventy-nine If you find a piece of

paper between those two leaves, take possession of it when nobody is

looking at you, and bring it to me That's all, Dennis And bear in

mind that I shall not recover the use of ain"

On ordinary occasions, the head clerk was not a nity At the sa, conscious of the consideration to which his

responsible place in the office entitled hi

reserve, not even excused by a word of apology, reached the liret to find, sir," he said, "that I have lost my place in my

employer's estimation The man to whom you confide the superintendence