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Blind Love WilkieCollins 7400K 2023-09-01

"As for myself, I will take the necessary steps as soon as you have

given ards the other principal in

the Conspiracy, it is hardly worth your while to search after hiood as to acknowledge this letter

without delay, with any assurance which you ed into the affair I send you an

address where a letter will find me You may wish to watch the house I

assure you beforehand that it is useless I shall not go there--I

remain, Gentlemen, "Your obedient servant, "HARRY NORLAND"

"Perhaps," said the Secretary, "it is in connection with this letter

that I have this day received a packet of bank-notes a in all

to the sum of five thousand pounds The packet is endorsed 'Restitution

nificantly, "may be

traced if necessary"

The Directors looked at each other This was, indeed, a very reht to the notice of any Board

"Gentlemen," said the Chairman, "you have heard the letter; you now

have the case before you I should like to hear your views"

"We are likely to get most of our money back," said one of the